The Keys to a Great Smile with Mouthguards

The Keys to a Great Smile with Mouthguards

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Oral accidents and injuries can occur at any time in the form of dental damage. Even a single blow to your face can severely hinder your oral health, so it is important to make sure you’re taking the necessary steps to keep your smile safe. One highly effective oral health care appliance to use is a mouthguard.

If you are in need of an oral appliance such as a mouthguard, it is important to determine which one is best for your oral health care needs. Three common types of mouthguards involve custom-made ones by your orthodontist, boil and bite mouthguards, and stock guards. Depending on the condition of your smile and your desires, your orthodontist can determine which one will work best for you.

It is important to always care for your mouth guard, so it can remain strong. This includes cleaning it whenever possible and never using overly abrasive products on it. In addition, never leave it out of the sun and always store in a moisture-free environment. If it is damaged, make sure it is replaced with due speed.

Are you in need of a dentist in Santa Monica, California? Dr. Rehana Khan at Santa Monica Orthodontics wants to make sure your smile shines no matter what condition it is in. If you are interested in a mouth guard treatment, please get in touch with our orthodontic office by calling us at 310-393-3344. We wish you a happy holiday season and a very merry new year!