Braces are more diverse than you may have known. You have a few options to choose from. One variety we offer is called lingual braces. As far as their purpose goes, there is not much difference between the traditional type of braces and lingual braces. They both link to your teeth and gently adjust them until they align correctly with... read more »
When aligning your smile with Invisalign®, you need to do all you can to keep your teeth, gums and appliance in tip-top shape. This can help you have a successful and convenient orthodontic journey. It can even help you prevent dental issues! So, our orthodontist, Dr. Rehana Khan, encourages you to have the best oral hygiene routine possible. To help... read more »
Our orthodontist, Dr. Rehana Khan, wants your child to have the strongest and healthiest smile possible. Unfortunately, if your child has misaligned teeth, this smile goal is harder to achieve. This is because misaligned teeth create hard-to-clean spaces in the smile that harbor bacteria and plaque. This then creates an environment prone to dental issues. So, it’s best to help... read more »
As an adult with upcoming orthodontic treatment, you may be hesitant about having braces placed. Traditional braces are very visible in the smile, so you may be nervous about your appearance. Lingual Braces Ask Dr. Rehana Khan about lingual braces. These braces are attached to the backside of the teeth instead of to the front. Because lingual brackets are located... read more »
Did you know, having proper alignment is essential to oral health? Well, it’s true! There are many reasons to have your teeth in the ideal arrangement that can benefit your oral health long-term. To help you learn more about orthodontics, our orthodontist, Dr. Rehana Khan with Santa Monica Orthodontics in Santa Monica, California, is happy to help you. Having the... read more »
If you are too embarrassed to spring for metal braces, ask your orthodontist about Invisalign® today! Our orthodontist, Dr. Rehana Khan with Santa Monica Orthodontics in Santa Monica, California, is thrilled to provide you with information on Invisalign, so you can adjust your smile the way you always needed it to be. Basically, Invisalign is an orthodontic aligner made of... read more »
There are many reasons to seek orthodontic help for your smile. Did you know, orthodontics can have long-lasting effects on your oral health while improving the appearance of your teeth as well? Well, it’s true! Our orthodontist, Dr. Rehana Khan, is happy to talk to you about the reasons to seek orthodontic treatment. Many people know that by improving the... read more »
Braces are an enormous investment of time and money, but the results are worth it. In the end, you get a beautiful and healthy smile. In order to make sure that it stays that way, your orthodontist will give you a retainer to wear. There is no set length of time for wearing a retainer, but it is important that... read more »
Did you know orthodontic treatment can fix many smile problems? Well, it’s true! It can even improve the oral health. Today, our orthodontist, Dr. Rehana Khan, would like to teach you all about the problems orthodontic treatment can fix so you better understand the ways braces and other orthodontic appliances can help you. Some problems orthodontics can treat include: -Overbite:... read more »
Oral accidents and injuries can occur at any time in the form of dental damage. Even a single blow to your face can severely hinder your oral health, so it is important to make sure you're taking the necessary steps to keep your smile safe. One highly effective oral health care appliance to use is a mouthguard. If you are... read more »